Romantasy Serials, Novellas, and Books


Are you interested in becoming one of our authors?

At this time we are not taking any unsolicited full manuscripts. If you would like to be on our writers list, please consider submitting to our upcoming anthology.

All submissions must be sent digitally by email. We do not accept any mailed hard copy submissions and are not responsible for returning them.

What we are NOT looking for: Stories that promote hate speech, child abuse, racism, ableism, anti-LGBTQIA+, or anything that violates Amazon’s content guidelines.

All voices are welcome!

Anthology Schedule

Spring Submissions Open March 21, 2024
Theme: “You Meet in a Tavern”

One of the most well known tropes in table top roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons is beginning an adventure by meeting in a tavern. Taverns are a quintessential element to many fantasy stories as meeting places for not only fantasy adventures but also romance (only one bed tropes often go hand in hand with the tavern location). Give us your best Romantasy story set in the beloved tavern location!

Fall Submissions Open September 21, 2024
Theme: TBD

Anthology Payment:

We offer $10 payment upon acceptance, a digital copy of the book, and authors can purchase physical copies of the book at wholesale price.
Payments will grow as we do.

Preparing and Sending Your Manuscript

Deadline: July 1, 2024 midnight.

Word Count minimum: 3,000 words
Word Count maximum: 10,000 words

Please only submit one story at a time.

Simultaneous Submissions are allowed but please let us know if your story has been accepted elsewhere so we can pull it from the stack.

Please include your real name, real street address and real phone number as well as your email address (presumably real) in the upper left hand corner on the first page of your manuscript. If you write under a pen name, you would put your pen name underneath the title on the first page of your manuscript.
Manuscript should be in Word format with normal margins and 12 point Ariel or Times New Roman font (if you send us something in Comic Sans or Wingdings, we will cry).

Title your email and cover letter with (Theme) Story and email it to

We will let you know if your story has been accepted or not by August 1, 2024. Thank you for submitting!

Please Note: Wandwed reserves first publishing rights and rights to the story for one year from date of publication. After that, you are free to post or submit your story elsewhere.